This repository contains the protocols used by Malfare at:
It aims to:
- Make it easier to record/view changes to the protocols;
- Ease translation burdens;
- Allow others to use our protocols;
- Share others’ work, to reduce reinventing the wheel.
Amazing! You might find the Styleguide useful.
## How to use me
The project has been built to consider multiple languages from the start (ish) (hence English-language content living in en/)
In case of any dispute though, for Nowhere (at least), the English language version is canonical.
Translations are provided to aid those with English as a Second Language.
### I’m a normal person
(not a geek or a translator)
The protocols and procedures are available through that little menu thing in the top. Hit it, then “Protocols”.
As you might have guessed, this is available at
I’m a translator
You might find it useful to install the following free software, if you’ve not got them already:
- OpenOffice
- GitHub for Mac or Windows
- A Text Editor you find acceptable (some of you may like Atom)
You might find having the MarkDown Cheat-Sheet open in a tab useful, too.
Get going
First, a quick crash-course in GitHub, which is where the content lives.
(This has been adapted from another introduction)
Create a GitHub account
Click on the FORK button in the upper right hand corner of
- In either a text editor you’re comfortable with, or using the web
interface, make the changes you want, for translations, you’ll want
- create, if needed, a new directory for the language (use the two letters column on language codes);
- create, within the language directory, a translation for the protocol. Also create the ‘img’ directory there, and a ‘xml’ directory;
- translate the ‘’ file, saving that in the language directory also as ‘’;
- translate the ‘visio’ chart (use OpenOffice Draw for this);
- export the chart as a PNG image (“File/Export”)
- update the navigation menu file, by creating a new section
similar to
(e.g. change
en/adverse_weather/">Adverse weather
Submit a pull request — which is a fancy way of telling us you want to make a change — by clicking on the button marked “Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.”
- Wait for the changes to be incorporated.
And all of this is public, which is what public media should be (and why it should all be collected together, by the public and for the public.)
Want more GitHub instructions?
See this tutorial which is more advanced than necessary for this project but will be useful should you decide to use it in the future.
Updating translations
### I’m a geek
First: check you have a global gitignore to not add OS guff. Check that’s sourced, too. Thanks 👍
Then fork the repo, clone your copy, and work from there.
In your fork, you might find using git-flow helpful — we’d appreciate it! (especially features)
When you’re ready, send a PR, and we’ll consider merging it :)
We like doing things via PRs.
On the first time run, something like this might be useful:
cd malfare-protocols
bundle || gem install bundle && bundle
Running a local copy of the protocols (e.g., if you’re updating things, or translating)
bundle exec jekyll serve
Directory structure
We have protocols in the form of: (foo is the individual protocol)
- Overview document:
- The drawing (“visio”) in LibreOffice Draw format:
(XML-y) - The diagram exported as image(s):
Use LibreOffice’s File/Export option to save the PNG file(s).
The protocols have been written and edited by various members of the Malfare Team ( over the years. Thank you everyone involved.
Converting existing MS Word documents to MarkDown was done using Ben Balter’s Word to Markdown repo.
This site uses Jekyll
The theme is from Jekyll themes