Traffic management, driving on-site, and parking permits
Traffic management
All traffic entering from Gate will be directed as follows:
a) Ambulances, Emergency vehicles, Crew vehicles, Working vehicles: will enter site from the main access road (2 on Map)
b) Participants’ vehicles: will be funneled through the carpark (1 on Map) and, when allowed, will enter site driving on perimetral roads (3 on Map) with assistance of a ground escort.
c) Deliveries: will enter site from the most convenient way, driving on perimetral roads (3 on Map) with assistance of a ground escort.
During early entry
(from Friday 4 July to Monday 7 July)
All Art and Innovation E.E. volunteers are going to be directed to the Production Office (through 2 on Map) to check in with Art and Innovation teams. Gate will radio the leads to meet vols at Production.
The first arrival of each Barrio is going to be directed to the Production Office (through 1 on Map) to check in with Interbarrios Lead. Gate will radio the lead to meet vols at Production. All following vehicles from the same Barrio, are going to be directed to their camp for unloading (1 and 3 on Map).
Driving on-site
This system will be active from Monday, July 7, at 8am. All cars on site before than, must be directed to the parking by Sunday July 6, before sundown (exception made for vehicles with a CREW, POS, NAV or AC permit and Ambulances).
Driving on site will be allowed only on perimetral roads from sunset (estimated 06.30/07.00 am) to sundown (estimated 09.00/09.30 pm). There will be no driving on site after sundown, exception made for Ambulances, Emergency Vehicles and approved Art Cars.
All vehicles authorized to drive on site need a ground escort at any all times. When the vehicle is one-manned, seek for Nomads assistance.
### Night-time arrivals
All vehicles arriving on site after sundown are going to be asked to park in the parking, and unload manually the basic they need for the night. The vehicle will be given an UP permit in the morning.
People will be notified about the procedure, through mailing list and Survival Guide, so they can plan their arrival, departure, shopping trips and support services.
Working vehicles and deliveries
All Barrios, Art & Innovation projects or Norg department that is waiting for a local delivery or working vehicle, need to notify Gate of their arrival, specifying
- for whom they’re waiting;
- the date and eta.
A contact person needs to be assigned by the Barrio, Art or Innovation Project, Norg department, to wait for the vehicle/delivery arrival at gate, and be their ground escort till destination on site.
No delivery or working vehicle is going to be allowed on site if not expected for / escorted by a member of a Barrio, an Art or Innovation project or a Norg department.
Parking permits
Type of Permit | Whom gives it out | Who is it destined to | What it allows | Who checks it |
Crew | Production | Production /Norg vehicles | Drive in/off site at all times | NoMads |
Nowhere Authorized Vehicle (NAV) | Inclusion / Interbarrios | People with Special Needs / Barrio’s runner vehicle | Drive in/off site only daytime (needs ground escort) | NoMads |
Parking On Site (POS) | Greeters | Live in vehicle / Storage vehicles | Parking on Site (can’t move till end festival) | NoMads |
Unload Permit** (UP)** | Greeters / Gate | People on arrival / Cars with loads of groceries-gear / Deliveries | Temporary parking On Site (needs ground escort) | NoMads |
Art cars (AC) | Art Cars Lead | Art Cars only | Driving on site at all times (needs ground escort) | NoMad |
How they work
Production will be given a defined number of these permits (upon request) and allocate them as they see fit (ex. Production vans, etc…).
The Permit has to be filled with license plate number, type of vehicle and contact person’s information; all of this data is also to be kept in the CREW Vehicles Registry in Malfare.
This permit allows the vehicle to drive in and off site at any time.
Due to the type of access controls to the vehicles which will have a CREW permit, no problems are expected.
If any issues arise with a vehicle with a CREW permit (in both how the vehicle is operated or if the permit number does not match the plate number), the On-Shift Nomads and Malfare Shift Lead will stop operation of the vehicle and contact the Site lead to fix any and all issues.
NAV — Nowhere Authorized Vehicle
This type of permit will be given out by Interbarrios and Inclusion.
Interbarrios: We allocate one permit per registered Barrio. This permit is intended to allow barrios to have a runner vehicle to go off site for barrios needs (e.g. groceries, shopping and be able to unload on site) or to go to or come from clinic and hospitals. The Interbarrios Lead will be given as many permits as there are registered barrios.
When the Interbarrios Lead gives this permit out, they will also pass out guidance for what this type of permit is intended to be used for. The guidance will also include wording that ensure that the Barrios understand that this is privilege which can be revoked by the Malfare Shift Lead, Malfare Lead, Site Lead, or the Board Site Lead.
This permit allows the vehicle to drive in and off site only in daytime (sunrise to sunset) with assistance of a ground escort.
Inclusion: Inclusion will have as many permits as are requested / needed for people with special needs as determined by the Inclusion Lead.
When the Inclusion Lead gives this permit out, they will also pass out guidance for what this type of permit is intended to be used for.
The guidance will also include wording that ensure that the Barrios understand that this is privilege which can be revoked by the Malfare Shift Lead, Malfare Lead, Site Lead, or the Board Site Lead.
This permit allows the vehicle to drive off site only in daytime (sunrise to sunset) with assistance of a ground escort.
The Permit has to be filled with license plate number, type of vehicle and contact person’s information; all these data are also to be kept in the NAV Vehicles Registry-INTERBARRIOS in Malfare.
If any issues arise with a vehicle with a NAV permit (in both how the vehicle is operated or if the permit number does not match the plate number), the On-Shift Nomads and Malfare Shift Lead will stop operation of the vehicle and contact the Site lead and Interbarrios Lead to fix any and all issues.
If Nomads see a vehicle, parked in a Barrio, with no permit, they will contact the owner of the car, and have it moved to parking.
If a vehicle with a NAV permit is going off site for amusement purposes only (e,g, River run), the Gate or Malfare will contact the Interbarrios Lead and ask them to resolve the issue.
POS — Parking On Site
This type of permit will be given out by Greeters to people that use their vehicle as live-in vehicle and wish to camp inside the Festival.
When the Greeters gives out this permit out, they will also pass out guidance for what this type of permit is intended to be used for. The guidance will also include wording that ensure that the campers understand that this is privilege which can be revoked by the Malfare Shift Lead, Malfare Lead, Site Lead, or the Board Site Lead.
This permit allows the vehicle to be parked on site but not driven off site until the participant decides to leave (expected to be the end of the Festival). These vehicles cannot be used for river runs or town runs.
POS permitted vehicles can only be driven on site during the day time with assistance of a ground escort. If people arrive or wish to depart after dark they will be stopped and asked to park safely until daylight.
The Permit has to be filled with license plate number, type of vehicle and contact person’s information; all these data are also to be kept in the POS Vehicles Registry in Malfare
People will be notified about the procedure, through mailing list and Survival Guide.
If any issues arise with a vehicle with a POS permit (in both how the vehicle is parked, if the vehicle is operated or if the permit number does not match the plate number), the On-Shift Nomads and Malfare Shift Lead will stop operation (if needed) of the vehicle and will work with the Site lead to fix any and all issues.
If Nomads see a vehicle, parked anywhere, with no permit, they will contact the owner of the car, and have it moved to parking or have them get a POS pass and explain the limits of the pass.
If a vehicle with a POS permit is going off site for ANY REASON, the Gate, Nomads, Site Leads or Malfare Shift Lead will make contact with the driver and resolve the issue.
UP — Unload Permit
This type of permit will be given out
- by Greeters to people:
- on arrival (from Monday 4 July to Thursday 10 July)
- coming back from the shops with things to unload (that can’t possibly be carried by hand from the parking to their camp) (from Monday 4 July to Thursday 10 July)
- by Gate to:
Deliveries, Ice, Water truck etc….(at any all time)
People coming back from the shops with things to unload (that can’t possibly be carried by hand from the parking to their camp) (from Thursday 10 July to Sunday13 July )
The Permit has to be filled with license plate number, type of vehicle and contact person’s information.
All these data are also to be kept in the UP Vehicles Registry at Gate.
When the Gate / Greeters gives out this permit out, they will also pass out guidance for what this type of permit is intended to be used for. The guidance will also include wording that ensure that the operators of vehicle understand that this is privilege which can be revoked by the Malfare Shift Lead, Malfare Lead, Site Lead, or the Board Site Lead.
This permit allows the vehicle to enter site and unload, but the vehicle needs to be parked in the car park after (or leave site in case of working vehicles). Once the car/van has unloaded, they’ll give the permit back to Greeters/Gate. The permit has a 2 hours validity.
UP permitted vehicle can only be driven during the day time, with assistance of a ground escort. If people arrive or wish to depart after dark they will be stopped and asked to park safely until daylight.
The Permit has to be filled with license plate number, type of vehicle and contact person’s information; all these data are also to be kept in the UP Vehicles Registry at Gate.
People will be notified about the procedure, through mailing list and Survival Guide, so they can plan their arrival, departure, shopping trips and support services.
If any issues arise with a vehicle with a UP permit (in both where the vehicle is parked, if the vehicle is operated at night or if the permit number does not match the plate number), the On-Shift Nomads and Malfare Shift Lead will stop operation (if needed) of the vehicle and will work with the Site lead to fix any and all issues.
If Nomads see a vehicle, parked anywhere, with no permit or an expired UP Permit, they will contact the owner of the car, and have it moved to parking or have them get a POS pass and explain the limits of the pass.
If a Nomads sees a vehicle with UP permit still on site after sunset, they will notify the owner that the vehicle needs to be removed as a first thing in the morning, and add the check of this to the Nomads shifts agenda.
Art car permit (AC)
This type of permit will be given out by Art cars lead.
Art Cars lead wil dispose of as many AC (Art Car) permits as he needs
AC permit will be issued only to those vehicles that pass the Art Car Lead inspection
When the Art Car Lead gives out this permit out, they will also pass out guidance for what this type of permit is intended to be used for.
The guidance will also include wording that ensure that the Art Car driver/owner/responsible understand that this is privilege which can be revoked by the Malfare Shift Lead, Malfare Lead, Site Lead, or the Board Site Lead.
This permit allows the vehicle to drive on site at any time , at a maximum speed of 7km/h, with assistance of a ground escort at any all times.
How to make the system work
All on shift people will be trained in what to look for and what actions to take. A protocol card will be generated to answer any questions.